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T-Psych provides initial assessment and on-going medication management through our HIPAA-compliant "virtual" doctor's office with minimum outlay and minimum start-up.

IMPORTANT COVID-19 UPDATE: CMS has temporarily suspended location requirements during the current pandemic. Most other carriers have followed suit. Please see their most current guidelines.

  • Is your facility eligible for telepsychiatry services? At this point, Medicare, Medicaid, and most commercial insurances require you to meet specific requirements including being located in an underserved area or a specific distance from a major metropolitan area. Check here to see if you qualify for qualify.

  • Is your facility located in a state in which t-psych, ltd is licensed? We are currently licensed in Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, and Georgia. Gaining traction is a national license to facilitate the rapid adoption of telepsychiatry nationwide. Dozens of states have signed on to the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact (IMLC), and we are watching this with great interest.

  • Do you have the technology you need?


  • A laptop or tablet with speakers, a microphone, and an internet connection

  • Adequate broadband wired or wireless (3G or 4G/LTE

  • On-site training until your staff feels comfortable with the process and can help the patient get acclimated.

If you do, getting started is quick and easy. We will work with you to ensure your residents, patients and staff feel as comfortable with the virtual visit as they would with an on-site one.


What to expect from a T-Psych session.


Sessions can take place bedside or from a private examining room. You decide which fits your milieu best. To maintain HIPAA compliance, our doctors' input documentation directly into your EMR. Neither video nor progress notes are retained by T-Psych.

How you will be billed.

For the basic virtual visit package, T-Psych bills the session directly to the insurance company, Medicare or Medicaid using codes especially for telepsychiatry. As with on-site visits, the resident, patient or designee does not see a bill unless the deductible has not been met or insurance has lapsed. T-Psych will provide you with a list of the carriers with which we are credentialed. Out-of-network patient sessions may be able to be negotiated.

For the on-call and Medical Director services, we contract with your facility to ensure you have the access and kind of coverage that meet your needs.

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